Thursday, February 28, 2008

My entry to the MySpace / George A. Romero three minute zombie short film contest!

Hey guys! I haven't been around much because I've been writing and working and generally busy, but I did find the time to get my zombie short made for the Romero contest!
The winner and runners-up get their film on the Diary of the Dead DVD and they're chosen by votes. All I ask is that if you do vote, you vote honestly. The rest of the entries can be seen at the official MySpace for Diary of the Dead.
I think this is also a good time to do my February round-up: nothing much happened as far as the festivals go, but March is bound to be an exciting month as I hear from four festivals (including my hometown of Sarasota), Cemetery Dance about the short story I sent them, and about the results of the Romero contest.
I'm so happy and excited!! WOO!

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